About The Gnomes…

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Hello! This article is my documentary about the Gnomes in the Graal Online Classic game. I will be updating this post from time to time. Thanks for reading! (1/7/2015)

Regards, Ciel Bleu.

As a summary, some facts about the Gnomes in the Graal Online Classic game that I discovered:

General Information
  1. Minor race in society
  2. Usually live in caves
  3. Collectors of theTears of Hera gemstones
Physical Appearence
  1. Green colour skin
  2. Big ears
  3. Small size compared to normal non-player characters
  4. Grown-ups usually have bald heads (for male only)
  1. Pro at digging caves
  2. Able to make the Special Hammer
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Identified Gnomes in GOC
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1. Rolland

Gnomes 2

  • A kind old gnome
  • Living in Home of the Gnomes, Swamp Town
  • Has 2 grandsons

One of his grandson mentioned a clue about the rest of the gnomes are in the Gnomes Cave.

Another grandson claimed that he enjoyed going outside but his grandfather – Rolland forbiddened him because it is too dangerous to go outside the cave.


Words like “living DOWN there” and “miss them” make me assumed that the Gnomes Cave is located somewhere at the SOUTH in Swamp Town. This indicates the distance between Home of the Gnomes and Gnomes cave is quite near because both places are located in same area – Swamp Town.

However, the Gnomes cannot visit the rest of their family members in the Gnome Cave for a reason – it is too dangerous to be out of the cave. I supposed that this indirectly showing those online players who like to kill for fun have contributed this fear factor.

As such, I searched around in Swamp Town and I found a locked cave, which located at the south west from the Home of the Gnomes (Home of Rolland):

Gnomes 3


My assumption has been proved correct according to the diary wrote by Miser in Miser’s House, Swamp Town. (See details below)

2. Gormal

Gnomes 4

  • A railroad labourer
  • Has a son named Gormen
  • Found in Railroad Station, Graal City

Gormen, the son of Gormal, is proud of his father’s work as a railroad labourer, although it is too hard for a Gnome.


It is rare to see any Gnomes involved themselves in public area. They usually hide in caves. By considering what Gormal and Gormen said, there might be future updates in game, including the railroads.


This pair of father and son seemed to be normal. No tips hidden! 😀

3. Damascus

gnome 19

  • A blacksmith
  • Has a ruined blacksmith shop – Southern Furnance in Destiny

The Destiny Town is a new map in the Spring 2015. Found him in the Desert Rat Pub in north east of Destiny. He was depressed for his loss due to the attack of the Lizardons.


Damascus is a gnome who is a very independent and well-eduated person. As the race of gnome is hard to trace in public, Damascus is same like Gormal, he even opened a blacksmith shop in public area to earn a living. He has a courteous manner, which I was impressed how polite he talked. When he asked for help, he did not sneer at the rejection from the player, instead accepted the answer; when a help was offered to him, he was very grateful and promised to return the favour – he kept his word! He is truly a gentlemen!


As a player, I have wondered about the rumour of Gnome Quest, and THIS IS IT! Refer new quest guideline: Gnome Quest.

4. Murdok

  • Wears a glass on one eyegnome - murdok
  • Crafts rail transportation
  • Operates Rail-and-Ride Shop in cave

Rail-and-Ride shop is located in railroad cave between Delta Isle and Destiny.


Just another new shop that sells exclusive draisines. Simple draisine that sells in Railroad Station Gift Shop in Graal City is the essential draisine (4,000 Gralats) which is more affortable compared to these designed draisines with price range between 6,000 Gralats and 15,000 Gralats.


Exercise your consumer’s right. Buy or don’t buy, not a problem.

Total number of identified Gnomes in GOC: 7 Gnomes

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sources about the gnomes in GOC
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Source 1 – Stefan’s House

stefan's houseIn Onnet Town, there is a house belongs to Stefan.

A message was found on the desk about the Special Hammer made by the Gnomes only. See pictures below:

stefan's house 2

stefan's house 3Hmm… family tree? Does this means Stefan is a Gnome too?

Source 2 – Graal City Bank

In Graal City – the home of peace, I found some information in the bank office.  The first documentery is about Tears of Hera. See the following pictures:

gnome 5 gnome 6 gnome 7 gnome 8

Simple conclusion: Gnomes are Tears of Hera COLLECTOR!

Another documentary  is about the lost Heras of Graal. See the attached pictures below:

gnome 9 gnome 10 gnome 11 gnome 12

From analising, tears of Hera might be only have 2 units exist? Why? One tear drop from left eye and another one from right eye (according logic sense anyway). Just like the first picture shown above – two tears of Hera.

According to the Cathedral in Angel Clan’s Cloud, there is a source about Hera, she is one of the founder of Graal Online Classic – the Goddess of Life.

So, now it is recorded that one of the Hera’s tears is in the hand of a noble of GnomesNOBLE?! There is a hierarchy in the Gnomes society! The second Hera’s tear can be found in Nimda forest… Where could it be? Similar sightings exist all the place in Graal?!

Oh, really? Just rumors? You wrote the whole history and tell readers that it maybe is a lie? Come on!

 Source 3 – Bandits Cave*

Bandits Cave is a hideout for bandits and hard to be found. Player needs to own a certain tool to reach the destination with correct technique.

I found one of the journal wrote by bandits in the hideout about the Gnomes. See pictures below:

gnome 13 gnome 14 gnome 15 gnome 16

According to the journal, it proved that the Gnomes are really good at digging and make tunnels. I think they may have found many hidden places and treasures in the middle of digging!

The journal also wrote that the bandits are going to send a message to stop the Gnomes from keep exposing their hideouts. I wonder how they sent the message?

Source 4 – Miser’s House

Previously, I wrote that I found the information of the Gnomes Cave in the Home of Gnome (Home of Rolland).

This new data I found in a diary, which is hidden in Miser’s House located in Swamp Town. It double-confirmed my assumption that the location of  the Gnomes Cave is true!

gnome 17gnome 18

In addition, the Gnomes Cave is also known as a mine cave, plus the end of this tunnel is linked to a new town – Babord. A second thought, ‘Babord’… I saw this word in one of the NPC’s narrator line in MoD Town, more likely it is related to Zorbie!

gnome caveRed X: Gnomes Cave;
‘?’ mark: Babord Town (unknown location)

As an impression, Miser could be described as a greedy person. He stored so many treasure chests (10 in total) in his house and now he is missing in action as he had went for looking the treasure in the Gnomes Cave. Eventhough the mine path is blocked, he is still able to find another path to get to Babord Town! Thus, Miser’s house now is locked for security purpose.

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Unsolved Questions & Mysteries
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  1. When will the Gnomes Cave in Swamp Town available to be accessed? What is the other way to reach the Babord Town like Miser did other than through the Gnomes Cave? Who is Miser?
  2. What is the ability of the special hammer? Does the information about the special hammer means a hint about a future quest to do? Who is Stefan anyway? Is he a gnome? Where is he now?
  3. Why Hera’s tears are precious? Who is this noble of Gnome? Where is the Forest of Nimda? Did any player found the Tears of Hera gemstone? How to obtain it?
  4. How the bandits sent their message to the Gnomes?

(Last updated on 17 July 2016 at 2:54pm by Ciel Bleu)

5 Replies to “About The Gnomes…”

  1. magnificent ! youre the first man who made the expedition of graal secret! by the way maybe the special hammer is for destroy an obstacle ( green block / cream mushroom ) that block a secret path in graalonline ? who knows! ill search that thing !


  2. I would really like to know how to get hammer because there are a lot of places in graal that u need the hammer to get to


  3. las misiones futuras son muy interesantes, estupenda investigación :D, no se como entrar a dicha cueva y mucho menos a la zorbi antes mencionada, tal ves el noble gnomo este perdido o en algún tipo de prisión, hay una nueva zona donde se llega con un anillo y una gema, esta la estatua de la diosa pero no veo símbolos de la tear of hera, no se para que sea dicho lugar…


  4. Also in Sara Rei’s house when you first go in she says she just came back from a trip to Babord. The guy that gives you the fish in the trade quest says when you give him the fishing rod that you can only get them in Babord. That may mean Babord is a fishing town.


  5. that hammer talk always triggered me… because all around Graal Classic we have these wood thingies blocking some places, and they are just like the ones in Zelda: A Link to The Past that needs a hammer to put it down so you can pass it >:v
    ;-; it is just like the Zorb Cave…. “you need permission” my foot, there is no way to get one! :”v


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