Big City Caldera Quest


  • An identified account
  • A map – with feature of building names ON
  • Owned Shovel
  • Owned Flippers
  • Owned Character Customization feature > for more details, please read Author’s Notes (1)

Direction:Direction compass 2

Below are the walk-through guidelines to complete the Bear Morph Quest in 10 steps:

1. Go to east of Nothern Wilderness > take the ship to new islandBig City (BC) Caldera

Figure 1: Map
Go to the location with big Boat Sign, which will lead you to BC Caldera. 

Figure 2: Captain and his boat
Talk to captain, press YES to depart to new island – BC Caldera.

2. Swim to the north of the BC Caldera Island > go inside the ring circle of 6 stones > dive

Figure 3: Map of Big City Calderabear - 6 stones mapStart from the boat (red starred location), go to the north of the BC Caldera Island.
Reach the pinned location (with my avatar head)! 
Eventually you need to swim!

Figure 4: The ring circle of 6 stones
bear - 6 stones picEquip flippers and dive anyhere inside the red circle! You will find yourself almost drown!

3. Go to south > exit cave > go to south > stand in front of an empty tree trunk > run and jump into it

Figure 5: Inside a cave
bear 9
No, I’m not drowned. I just fainted from getting myself into a swirl after diving.

Figure 6: Find the exit
bear 10Go to south and you will find the exit!

Figure 7: Outside the cave
bear 11Now go to south again and find an empty tree trunk. 

Figure 8: The empty tree trunk
bear 12See a pair of foor print in front of the empty tree trunk? Stand on it, run and jump!

4. Dig near the skeleton > obtain the Petrified Note > jump down > exit the cave

Figure 9: The skeleton
bear 13Equip shover and dig around this skeleton until you find petrified note. Be patient!

Figure 10: The new exit
bear 14
Burst out from the cave! New exit!

5. Go to south west to an excavation site > put the petrified note in your shortcut key > give the petrified note to the Head Archaeologist

Figure 11: Location of the excavation sitebear 15The pinned location with my avatar head shows the position of Head Archaeologist in the excavation site.

Figure 12: The Petrified Note
bear 21
A player is showing his Petrified Note to the Head Archaeologist!

6. Follow him back to the cave where you dig out the petrified note > talk to the Head Archaeologist > obtain the Archaeologist’s Notes

Figure 13: Inside the cave with Head Archaeologistbear 16The archaeologists had came inside the cave to dig and investigate!

Figure 14: The Archaeologist’s Notesbear 8This item can be found in the ‘Quest’ section in your Inventory.

7. Exit the cave > go to north > enter Chieftain’s tent (wickup) > (remember to equip your shovel when) talk to the Chieftain > pay attention to the highlighted green words

Figure 15: Location of Chieftain’s tent
bear 20

Figure 16: View from outside the Chieftain’s tent
bear 17

Figure 17: Inside Chieftain’s Tent
bear 18Equip your shovel before you talk to Chieftain! Or else he won’t give you the quest!

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Author’s Notes (1)


Some players may receive the message about the ability to wear hat.

Frequently asked Questions:

1. Why does this happens?

  • It is simply because of your GOC account does not have the ability to wear hat.

2. How to gain the ability to wear hat?

Figure 18: Shop
bear 7

  • You have to BUY the ability to wear hat.  
  • Go to Menu > Shop > buy the Character Customization package.
  • It costs 2,500 Gralats.

3. It is TOO EXPENSIVE! Do I really need to buy it?

Figure 19: Character Cutomization Package
bear 19

  • Yes, indeed it may not be affortable for beginners, yet there are many ways to earn Gralats efficiently!
  • HOWEVER! If you decide not to buy it, you will NEVER able to proceed to the next step to finish this Bear Quest! If you cannot wear hat, how are you going to wear the Bear Hat?!
  • Anyway, if you buy it, not only that you are able to finish your quest, you can also customize your heads and hats with PLENTY of choices! You can also update your profile status! 

Take Note: If Chieftain mentioned a place where you should dig, you can continue the next step!

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8. Dig at the specific place mentioned (green words) > obtain the Chieftain’s Lost Necklace

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Author’s Notes (2) – again!

  • If you forgot where is the place you should dig, go back to the  Chieftain’s Tent and ask the Chieftain again!
  • Every player will get a different random place to dig.
  • There are 5 places as far as I know:

(1) Dig behind the Chieftain’s wickup (mine);

Figure 20: Wickupbear 24Tips: Dig ‘BEHIND this tent’, not beside or in front!

(2) Dig under the sand-filled tree;

Figure 21: Sand-filled Treebear 25Tips: Do not dig too far away from this tree trunk! Dig around it!

(3) Dig at the fallen bridge on the main island;

Figure 22: Broken/ Fallen Bridgebear 25Tips: At main island! Not the small island (entrance of BC Caldera)!

 4) Dig by the canoes;

Figure 23: Canoesbear 26Tips: ‘Canoes’ means lightweight narrow BOATS!

(5) Dig on top of the cliff;

Figure 24: Cliffbear 27Tips: ‘Cliff’ means vertical rock exposure. Dig around the bench!

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9. Go back to Chieftain’s tent > give the necklace to him > obtain Bear Hat > wear the Bear Hat

Figure 25: The Bear Hatbear 1WEAR IT NOW!

10. Exit Chieftain’s tent > go to south east > enter the tent with a skull on it > talk to the witch > accept to learn to become a bear (obtain Bear Morph)

Figure 26: Map of BC Caldera
bear 28
Go to the yellow X mark.

Figure 27: The tent with a skull at the entrancebear 22

Figure 28: The witch
bear 4
Talk to the witch, she will be amazed at the bear pelt on your head and teach you to connect to the spirit of bear!


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Author’s Notes (3) – SPAM!

Yay! I finally obtained the Bear Morph and the Bear Hat!

Thanks to a player named NitroWork who wrote this quest guide in his game house!

Sharing is caring. 🙂

By the way, this quest is the hardest for the mentors to guide the newbies… speak from my experience.

They often stucked at Step 7 and Step 8. I wonder if they are not patient enough…

However, till recently, I think I have improved in guiding newbies! 🙂

Thanks for the experience!

Hint: Be patient and observant!

When there’s a will, there’s a way!

(Last updated on 3 September 2015 at 5:43pm by Ciel Bleu)border line 2

8 Replies to “Big City Caldera Quest”

    1. Hello Tai(Hikari), in view of your situation, I had inserted the picture and map related to that place. Hope it helps!


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