Tips to Earn More Gralats!

“How to get more gralats?” – This question had been asked by many new players. Well, there are some effective ways to earn gralats.

I simply categorize the methods into 2 types: the adventure type & the job type. Please note that THIS POST will be talking about the JOB TYPE only. For the adventure type, please refer other post – Hidden Gralats!

Just for your information, the differences between adventure type and job type are:

Adventure Type

  • a way to earn gralats instantly by finding treasure chests
  • only can be used once in the same place (there are some exception though)

Job Type

  • a way to earn gralats gradually by doing manual works
  • can be repeated in the same place

Without further ado, here are the 4 main job type method to earn gralats!

1. Gralat Farmer

To get free Gralats, just lift up or cut the bushes, trim the tall grass field in the public or private areas. By using the combination of sword, bombs, and riding a mount, the speed of gralat harvest process will greatly increased.

If you have a private house or guild house, after the gralat appears on the ground, tap on it a few times to set the setting to lock the gralats from everyone, then you can continue farming to invest and to increase the value of the locked Gralats to prevent them being taken accidentally by anyone including yourself. To obtain locked gralats, tap on them to unlock when you need to use them or store in your inventory.

2. Bug Hunter

Being a good bug hunter needs a set of effective catching skill and a bug net. To begin with, you need to claim your free bug net from Adam’s Tree House in MoD Town. Further pick up and master the skill to catch all kinds of bugs by observing and imitating the skill of other professional bug hunters!

After collected a bunch of bug collection, you can proceed to sell your bugs to the potion maker Beryl in Swamp Town! Each bug has different prices due to their rareness and Beryl will choose one of the bugs with double of the original market price as the special demand of the day. Refer GOC Bugs Documentary for more information on bugs.

3. Loot Trader

First, you need to complete the Flippers Quest to own a pair of flippers. Then, learn to dive and get loots from the water! Proceed to trade your obtained loots with different loot traders for higher market prices!

4. Bounty Hunter

Since the new updates on the Castle, the daily questAssault on Pyrat Bay Quest to help the York Guards to protect the York Town from the Pyrats – has been replaced by the Daily Bounty Quest. Go to Bounty Office beside the Throne Room in the north of the Castle to accept your Daily Bounty Quest and complete it within 24 hours. In return, you will get 1,000 Gralats or more (depends on the variety of your capture) as reward!

That’s all. Thanks for reading! 🙂

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Author’s Notes

Thanks to an old player Fluffy, for sharing the original tips in her house! I have first learnt to be loot traders, followed by learning to farm at private house, and become a bounty hunter.

How about bug hunter? It’s just a part-time hobby because of the unexplainable occupational hazard… All the bugs the have different behaviours, which indicate the need to learn to adapt different types of strategies to catch each bug. What truly makes this bug-catching activity tough is you will be interupted, killed by other players, or insulted in the process of catching “their prey”. Just make it real quick when you catch bug, the longer you try to catch, the more attention the bug will attract other players (including the one who just joining the crowd to kill).

Anyway, all the best on earning more gralats effectively using the job-type ways!

(Last updated on 2 October 2017 at 7:24pm by Ciel Bleu)

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