
Hello! This post only documented the details of each loot in GOC. For further information on the profiles of various loot traders, click HERE.

According to Graakass Wiki, the phrase of “diving to get loots” is also abbrievated as “looting” in Graal Online Classic (GOC). Looting is an activity of using a pair of Flippers to search or scavenge the underwater treasures in GOC. The item obtained from diving is known as “loot”. To obtain your current total number of owned loots in your inventory, proceed to type “showloot as command in your public chat box.

A generalization on the rareness level of each loot is based on the record of total quantity of loots I obtained as a player since 2015 (never sell any seperate loots to different loot traders) and recorded on 24 Jan 2016 as shown in the graph below with total units (N) as 2,677 units (where GOC players still able to keep unlimited loots in inventory). In between 2016-2017, some new loots were added and the maximum limit of loots in inventory is down to 200 units only.

loot graph

Rotten Easter Egg was the highest number of loot with 75 units over 2677 of total units. Therefore, the rareness level of loots are categorized as below:

  1. Very Common (60-75 units)
  2. Common (50-59 units)
  3. Uncommon (40-49 units)
  4. Very Uncommon (30-39 units)
  5. Rare (20-29 units)
  6. Very Rare (10-19 units)
  7. Epic Rare (1-9 units)

The rareness level of each loot will be inspected again and will be updated soon in future (10/10/2017)

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List of Loots with Their Loot Traders
(according to alphabet letters in ascending order)
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Black Pearl loot - black pearl (Very Uncommon) – Perfectly polished. Will probably fetch a pretty gralat.

  • Elster: 40 Gralats

Blue Graal loot - blue graal (Rare) – YOU DID IT, YOU FOUND THE BLUE… oh it’s just a replica.

  • Elster: 25 Gralats

Blue Gralat loot - blue gralat (Common) – [Effect: Obtain 5 Gralats]

Broken Bottle loot - broken glass (Very Common) – So old the broken glass is not even sharp anymore.

  • Elster: 2 Gralats

Broken Goggles loot - broken goggles (Common) – Broken beyond repair.

  • Elster: 12 Gralats

Broken Key loot - broken key (Common) – You can use it only in this dungeon.

  • Elster: 3 Gralats

Broken Sword loot - broken sword (Common) – No use to you, but maybe someone can fix it up.

  • Elster: 13 Gralats
  • Blacksmith*: 18 Gralats


Chainless Flail loot - chainless flail (Rare) – Seem to be missing the chain. Probably more useful like this.

  • Elster: 50 Gralats
  • Blacksmith*: 75 Gralats

Cone Shell loot - cone shell (Common) – The home of a hermit crab.

  • Elster: 8 Gralats

Crab Shell loot - crab shell (Common) – Yup, no crab in there.

  • Elster: 8 Gralats

Cracked Shield loot - cracked shield (Very Uncommon) – It’s much too fragile to be used now, but maybe someone can repair it.

  • Elster: 13 Gralats
  • Blacksmith*: 18 Gralats

Conch Shell loot - conch shell (Common) – You can hear the ocean in it.

  • Elster: 8 Gralats


Dagger of Famine loot - dagger of famine (Epic Rare) – A dagger of magical sorts, the blade is unnaturally dulled.

  • Elster: 100 Gralats

Dead Coral loot - dead coral (Uncommon) – Pretty, but mostly useless.

  • Elster: 7 Gralats

Defuse Bomb loot - defused bomb (Common) – Probably safe to handle, probably…

  • Elster: 4 Gralats
  • Blacksmith*: 7 Gralats

Dirty Mug loot - dirty mug (Very Common) – You’d think it’d be clean after sitting in water this entire time!

  • Elster: 2 Gralats
  • Raphael: 2 Gralats

Disabled Nuke loot - disabed nuke (Rare) – Whoa…

  • Elster: 40 Gralats

Draisine Wheel loot - draisine wheel (Common) – Word is the new models aren’t reliable.

  • Elster: 13 Gralats
  • Railroad Station Gift Shop: 17 Gralats

Dull Arrow loot - dull arrow (Common) – Someone has bad aim…

  • Elster: 4 Gralats
  • Blacksmith*: 7 Gralats


Empty Bottle loot - empty bottle (Common) – Is it actually empty if it’s full of water?

  • Elster: 10 Gralats

Empty Jar loot - empty jar (Very Common) – Please don’t litter.

  • Elster: 10 Gralats


Fish Bones loot - fish bones (Common) – It almost feels like you’re fishing!

  • Elster: 5 Gralats

Fishing Lure loot - fishing lure (Very Uncommon) – Don’t let it lure you in!

  • Elster: 25 Gralats
  • Floydian:  35 Gralats

Flat Soccer Ball loot - flat soccer ball (Common) – It probably took a dive.

  • Elster: 7 Gralats


Gemless Ring loot - gemless ring (Common) – Would be valueble if it still had the gem.

  • Elster: 15 Gralats

Gold Doubloon loot - gold doubloon (Rare) – Arr, ye found some sunken treasure.

  • Elster: 50 Gralats
  • Jack (Pyrat): 65 Gralats

Gold Necklace loot - gold necklace (Rare) – The lost necklace of an unfortunate swimmer.

  • Elster: 50 Gralats
  • Merchant*: 65 Gralats

Gold Nugget loot - gold nugget (Rare) – Don’t tell anyone, or you might start a gold rush!

  • Elster: 50 Gralats
  • Merchant*: 65 Gralats

Gold Pearl loot - gold pearl (Epic Rare) – Wait… is that even possible?

  • Elster: 100 Gralats
  • Merchant*: 125 Gralats

Green Graal loot - green graal (Very Uncommon) – YOU DID IT, YOU FOUND THE GREEN… oh it’s just a replica.

  • Elster: 25 Gralats

Green Gralat (Common) – [Effect: Obain 1 Gralat]


Heavy Anchor loot - heavy anchor (Rare) – How are you holding that up?

  • Elster: 15 Gralats
  • Jack (Pyrat): 20 Gralats

Huge Conch Shell loot - huge conch shell (Common) – Somewhere out there, a hermit crab abandoned this to find a larger shell!

  • Elster: 15 Gralats


Imperfect Pearl  loot - imperfect peart (Common) – Didn’t form quite right… not very valueble.

  • Elster: 7 Gralats


Kelp loot - kelp (Very Common) – The perfect face mask!

  • Elster: 5 Gralats


Live Turtle (Very Rare) – It looks like it wants to go home with you! [CANNOT BE SOLD] [Will be stored as Pet Furniture]


Magical Crystal loot - magical crystal (Epic Rare) – It’s easy to get lost peering into the depths of this Crystal.

  • Elster: 100 Gralats
  • Merchant*: 125 Gralats

Map in a Bottle loot - map in a bottle 3.2 (Epic Rare) – It seems to be a treasure maps of sorts. Sadly you do not have the skills to understand it. [CANNOT BE SOLD] [Will be stored in Map Satchel]

Moon Rock loot - moon rock 3 (Epic Rare) – A large piece of moon rock, with teal ores protuding from the surface.

  • Elster: 75 Gralats


Narwhal Horn loot - narwhal horn (Very Rare) – It’s unicorn of the sea!

  • Elster: 75 Gralats


Odd-shaped Gem loot - odd shaped (Epic Rare) – It looks oddly similar to a gralat… but also very different, almost other worldly.

  • Elster: 100 Gralats
  • Old Wizard*: 125 Gralats

Old Boot loot - old boot (Very Common) – We do have cliche quota to fill.

  • Elster: 2 Gralats

Old Fishing Hook loot - fishing line – Useless without a line.

  • Elster: 13 Gralats
  • Floydian: 18 Gralats

Old Horseshoe loot - old horsshoe (Uncommon) – At least it isn’t a boot.

  • Elster: 13 Gralats
  • Earl: 18 Gralats

Old Lantern loot - old lantern (Uncommon) – That explains what happens when new items are added.

  • Elster: 13 Gralats
  • Lantern Seller*: 18 Gralats

Old Underwear loot - old underwear (Common) – Yuck. Just assume that’s mud.

  • Elster: 4 Gralats
  • Taylor Richaard: 7 Gralats

Ornate Ring loot - ornate ring (Very Uncommon) – Polished gold with perfectly set gem. Almosts feel magical.

  • Elster: 50 Gralats
  • Merchant*: 75 Gralats


Red Graal loot - red graal (Very Uncommon) – YOU DID IT, YOU FOUND THE RED… oh it’s just a replica.

  • Elster: 25 Gralats

Red Gralat (Common) – [Effect: Obtain 30 Gralats]

Rock loot - rock (Common) – Why are you picking up rocks?

  • Elster: 3 Gralats

Rotter Easter Egg loot - rotter easter egg (Very Common) – Ack. Putrid!

  • Elster: 2 Gralats

Ruined Scarft loot - ruined scarft (Uncommon) – Apparently someone was tired of waiting.

  • Elster: 7 Gralats
  • Taylor Richaard: 9 Gralats


Sad Sign loot - sad sign (Common) – Don’t worry, it doesn’t REALLY have feelings. Maybe…

  • Elster: 2 Gralats

Sand-Dollar loot - sand-dollar (Uncommon) – What’s a dollar?

  • Elster: 12 Gralats

Scallop Shell loot - scallop shell (Very Common) – Pretty common type of shell.

  • Elster: 8 Gralats

Sea Sponge loot - sea sponge (Very Common) – It smells faintly of… pineapple?

  • Elster: 12 Gralats

Seaweed Wrap loot - seaweed wrap (Very Rare) – Give your hair a healthy, shiny, slightly greasy boost!

  • Elster: 75 Gralats

Shark Tooth loot - shark tooth (Very Common) – Let’s not think of the mouth it came from.

  • Elster: 8 Gralats

Shiny Mug loot - shiny mug (Uncommon) – Still fairly clean, must have fell in recently.

  • Elster: 10 Gralats
  • Raphael: 12 Gralats

Ship Helm loot - ship helm (Uncommon) – Wasn’t able to guide some unfortunate ship to safety.

  • Elster: 15 Gralats
  • Jack (Pyrat): 20 gralats

Silver Doubloon loot - silver dubloon (Very Uncommon) – Arr, ye found some sunken treasure!

  • Elster: 15 Gralats
  • Jack (Pyrat): 20 Gralats

Skull loot - skull (Very Common) – Alas, poor Yorick!

  • Elster: 12 Gralats

Star Fish loot -star fish (Very Common) – It doesn’t look like a fish…

  • Elster: 8 Gralats


Tarnished Crystal loot - tarnished crystal (Very Uncommon) – It’s a tarnish that can not be cleased by normal means.

  • Elster: 50 Gralats

Tin Can loot - tin can (Very Common) – It’s a can.

  • Elster: 4 Gralats

Turtle Shell loot - turtle shell (Very Common) – There’s no shell in this half-shell.

  • Elster: 13 Gralats


Vase loot - vase (Common) – It has no more hearts in it. (Effect: Earn a full heart = +1HP)

  • Elster: 3 Gralats


Wand of Elements loot - wand of elements (Epic Rare) – A wand that emits a faint magical aura.

  • Elster: 100 Gralats

Water Amulet loot - water amulet (Very Rare) – A very rare magical item, however the power it held is long lost.

  • Elster: 100 Gralats
  • Merchant*: 125 Gralats

White Pearl loot - white pearl (Common) – Very shiny and pretty, but also pretty common.

  • Elster: 12 Gralats

Wierd Brick loot - weird brick (Very Uncommon) – You have an overwhelming urge to smash your head against it.

  • Elster: 50 Gralats


Yellow Graal loot - yellow graal(Very Uncommon) – YOU DID IT, YOU FOUND THE YELLOW… oh it’s just a replica.

  • Elster: 25 Gralats

Yellow Gralat (Epic Rare) – [Effect: Obtain 100 Gralats]


Zorbi Helmet loot - zorbie helmet (Epic Rare) – It seems to have seen its fair share of battles.

  • Elster: 100 Gralats
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Usage of Loots
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1. Gralats

Having a whole collection of loots and wanted to get rid of them? You can sell them in bundle to the old man Elster to earn big amount of gralats instantly as in need of gralats for emergency use (like new game items on sales). However, if you aim to earn more gralats, you should sell some specific loots to different loot traders who scattered on the map.

2. Furniture

You can turn a loot into your furniture to put in your house! Tap on the loot to set as your shortcut key, then press the button to hold the loot. Then, a message pops up to ask whether you want to make the loot as furniture. Not all loots can be turned into furniture, except Weird Brick.

3. Hats

Some loots can be transformed and kept as your hats, notably Narwhal Horn, Zorbie Helmet, and Seaweed Wrap only. Tap the loot as your shortcut key and press it to hold up high to transform it into your appearence inventory.

4. Decoration

Loots also can be stored as decorations in your game house / guild house. However, you have to buy the Display Case (each costs 850 Gralats), which can be found in the Handle Furniture Shop in MoD Town, to display your loots.

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Author’s Notes

The activity of diving to get loots (looting) sounds easy and not risky like catching bugs, but sometimes you have to face the cruel reality… (see picture below):

loot“You can’t always get what you want” –
(The haunting refrain from The Beatles)

In addition, there is a high possibility of getting life-threatening attacks while looting, especially near the player-killing zone of shore or land. Please BE AWARE of the players on the land when you are looting in the water. A player who is without a gold alignment point indicates this player is ready to kill anyone at anytime. Notice if any player(s) try to adjust their position on the ground to match in the same line with you who is diving! This type of player will shoot arrows or throw anything to hurt you while you are lifting up your discovery/ loot. In that case, you might lose your loot and will -HP and probably get offended. Stay away from that area or wait until the danger/suspicious player(s) is absent then only continue your looting unless you willing to take the risk.

Anyway, diving is one of my fun time in the game. Some loots are so beautiful like Black Pearl, Gold Pearl and Magical Crystal. As the saying goes: beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I finally found my first ZORBIE HELMET without using flippers from one of the purple treasure chests in Bandits Cave! XD

Had been running aound checking the updates on the loots’ prices, apparently many of them have been cut down on the prices about more than 10% from the original price, ex: from 75G to 65G, 150G to 125G, etc.

(Last updated on 28 August 2017 at 1:03pm by Ciel Bleu)

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3 Replies to “Loots”

  1. Your website is amazing….Can you find me on graal? My name is Leader Renji Kaguya I have white hair and black eyes Thanks


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