Condemned House

Figure 1: Inside the Condemned Housecondemned house 3Have you figure out how to get into the Condemned House?

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  • Type: Adventure
  • Target/ Goal: Condemned House
  • Location: Onnet Town

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About The Location
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Figure 2: Map of Onnet Towncondemned house mapThe location of Condemned House is marked with yellow X in Onnet Town.

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Figure 3: The view from outside of Condemned House
condemned house

As the matter of fact, you are forbidden to go inside the house… Because it’s condemned! (Condemn: express disproval of, typically in public; censure.)

Eventhough the door and windows are completely sealed… BUT OBSERVE CAREFULLY! Espescially the structure and the shape of the door! You can still break in! 😉

Figure 4: The suspicous shape of the doorcondemned house 4

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Author’s Notes

Last Hint: Turn into a small size morph!

Well, this hint is too obvious. <<(=.=*)

I would not recommend you to go inside the Condemned House, because after that some of your key buttons will dysfunctional BADLY. That’s why there’s a warning… DO NOT ENTER!

Anyway, if you are interested to repair the Condemned House, proceed to read the guidelines for Gnome Quest! Thanks for reading!

P/s: For all adventure type of mission, I would keep the hints a bit mysterious for players to look after the place themselves. SAY NO TO SPOILER! 

(Last updated on 23 August 2015 at 6:29pm by Ciel Bleu)

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