Claim Your Bug Net!

Tool Series: Part 1

The very first tool you should collect is Bug Net! Being a BUG HUNTER is one of the efficient ways to earn more gralats in GOC!

Figure 1: Bug Netbug net 3IT’S FREE!!!

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  • Type: Discovery
  • Target/ Goal: Bug Net
  • Location: Adam’s Tree House, MoD Town
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About The Location
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Where is Adam’s Tree House? Let me show you!

Figure 2: Map of MoD Town
bug net 4Adam’s Tree House is pinned with my avatar head on the map.

Figure 3: Adam’s Tree House
bug net 2
The view from outside of Adam’s Tree House in the winter!

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How-To Obtain Bug Net
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What to do to get your bug net?

Figure 4: Inside Adam’s Tree House
bug net 1 (2)
Talk to the non-player character (NPC) – Adam!

Tell him you are interested in bug-catching, he will reward you a free bug net!

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How-to Use Bug Net
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Click on your avatar, click on your short cut key. It will bring you to your Inventory section, then open the Tools section, click the Bug Net icon. Your bug net is now ready to use!

Figure 5: The flow of movements
bug net c bug net b bug net a

Observe the distance where the bug net lands! (Like a samurai!)

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How-to LEARN THE SKILL TO Catch Bugs
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Let me quote Albert Einstein’s words: “The only source of knowledge is experience“. It is very unlikely you are going to catch any bugs successfully without your experience of making mistakes and failures in catching the bugs.

As long as your heart is in teachable state, I am here to guide you. Want to know a real fact? Everyone failed to catch bugs in the begining, including me! Because each bugs has different behaviours, you have to do your own research!


Stage 1: Try.

See a bug? Try to catch it! Yeap! I am certain you are going through this stage. Remember it is always good to make mistakes, because you will soon understand which ways do not work out!

Stage 2: Think.

Now, think why your way do not work out? Why the bug just do not get caught in your bug net? Why other players can catch bug easily? Still have not get the answer? To Stage 3.

Stage 3: Observe.

Pay attention to other online players, who always succeed in bug-catching, when they are trying to catch bugs. Take every details granted. You will be grateful for having to see real action models in front of your eyes!

Stage 4: Try again.

Now, keep calm. Copy how your models catch bugs. Immitate them until you succeed. Repeat the whole process from Stage 1 if you still have not figure out what to do when you need to catch bugs.

Even the NPC Adam also feels that catching bugs is a difficult task! Ask him for some guide, he will guide you crucial tips!

1) Be sneaky.

2) Catch the bugs when they are off guard.


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About bugs
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You can find more information about bugs, such as their habitats and rarity, in the bookshelfs of the Library in the south of Swamp Town. See picture below:

Figure 6: The Swamp Town Librarybug net 5The view from outside the Library.

However, the updates for the bugs found in Destiny new town has not written down yet.

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What-To-Do with my bugs
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There are three options for you to decide what to do with your bug collection:

1) Sell your bugs to Adam’s friend named Beryl. She is a witch (potion maker) who lives in a treehouse in Swamp Town.

Figure 7: Beryl The Witch
bug net 7Beryl has different demands everyday! 

Figure 8: Beryl’s Treehouse on the map
bug net 8The location is pinned with my avatar hear.

Figure 9: Beryl’s Tree House
bug net 6The view from outside of Beryl’s Treehouse.

2) Keep your bugs in your game house. If you owned a house, you can free your bugs in your house area and also able to keep them back inside the jar again by catching them with bug net. However, there’s a number limit of bugs in your house.

Figure 10: In my game housebug2Releasing my ladybug.

3) Do nothing. Just keep them safe in your inventory.

Figure 10: Bug Collectionbug

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Author’s Notes

Frankly, to me, it’s real hard to catch bug. My catching bug skills is getting improved, but sometimes I still end up empty-handed like a beginner. XD

For those who deperate need help, here is my authentic advice from painful experience:

Situation 1: When you notice the bug(s) around you.
  1. Keep an fixed eye on the prey, if it interests you.
  2. Quickly equip your bug net.
  3. Then, further to decide whether the bug is worth to be catched – depends on your surroundings (beware of danger like player-killer) and where your prey is going (ex: montains, sea, etc).
Situation 2: When you decided want to catch the bug(s).
  1. Keep calm. Be sneaky. Your movements should be gentle as you do not want the bug to think that you want to catch it. Things you should not do to your prey: swing your sword, throw bushes, wrong timing to use bug net
  2. Observe the best position and grab the timing to have chance to get close to the bug.
  3. Estimate the distance between your prey (bug) and the place where you will land your bug net.
  4. Just do it. Try and error until you master the skill!
Situation 3: When you are not the LONE BUG HUNTER.
  • Keep in mind that ALL players have equal chance to catch any bugs.
  • The bug is still free and DO NOT BELONG TO ANYONE UNTIL IT IS CAUGHT! Understood?
  • What to do if many players are aiming to catch the same bug? Are you human? Yes. Are the other players human? Yes. Good. Please RESPECT each other! Do mind your courtesy.

That’s all. Thanks for reading my brain my article.

(Last updated on 5 July 2015 at 10:29pm by Ciel Bleu)

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