Mini Game Series: 3 – Horse Race




Introducing the third mini game in GOC – Horse Race, which basically is mount race! This mini game is an event held by admin at random time. If you have ever particiapted in Horse Race Event, you would roughly know about this mini game!


  • Mini Game: Horse Race
  • Location: Horse Race Area, York Town
  • Requirement: Owned a mount

 About The Location:

Pinned on map

The only entrance to Horse Race area is as shown as below:

It’s right behind the Revolution Shop.

How To Participate:

This mini game can only be hosted by any GOC Admins! When an Horse Race event announcement is poped up, you should rush to York Town no matter where you are! (If you are that desperate to join this event!). The Horse Race usually starts with the countdowns set by the host admin. Also, the numbers of laps in a round also depends on the host admin, sometimes 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, etc.

horse raceThis horse race was hosted by *Deucehoru (Admin).


The purpose of helding such racing event by admin is to choose a winner from this event and reward a special rare hat designed by the graphic team or admin him/herself. The admin will grant a different amount of gralats for each winners in each round, then reward his or her special hat in the final round to the last winner.

The winners’ name will be showing on the score board at the starting point, if you win in the final round, your name will be stay there for quite some time after the event ended.

How To Win

To win the race, you have to finish each lap in the as fast as you can. Estimated average time to finish a lap will be around 19 seconds.

Spend time practice with your mount in the horse race area to get yourself familiar with the routes and avoid hinderances swiftly.

Do not think that if you play tricks like taking shortcuts you could finish a lap in shorter time! You have to pass 27 check points in each laps. If you missed 1 check point, you cannot continue the next check point, instead going backwards to start again.

So… again:

Practice makes perfect!

Refer this video clip “Graal Classic how to Run fast in Horse Race” done by 08 totti 


Author’s Notes

Make sure your laptop/ PC/ Tablet/ Phone is not lagging when you are participating the Horse Race. And, one thing for sure, you sometimes don’t know where are you in the horse race, because there are too many players! Your familiarize with the routes will then really helps you go through the “flood of people with mounts”.



Last updated on 8 March 2015 at 4:46pm by Ciel Bleu

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