Bandit Cave

Have you been here before – the Bandit Cave? I accidentally found out this place!

Figure 1: Bandits’ Hideout
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  • Type: Adventure
  • Target/ Goal: Bandit Cave*
  • Location: A hidden cave along the Railroad Cave between Onnet Forest & Snow Town
  • Reward: A treasure map (might be varied between players)
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Figure 2: About the location
bandits hideout 1

The location of the Bandit Cave is somewhere inside the highlighted red square. As analysis, the best way to reach the destination is by riding Simple Draisine to cross over from either Onnet Town, Railroad Station in Graal City, or Snow Town. Good luck on your finding!

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Author’s Notes

Last Hint: Smash the wall!

Why bother to find this hidden cave? The three Bandits inside the cave will tell you about their largest hideout – Bandit Hideout*! Since you are trading information with the underlings, it requires payment about 50 Gralats only!

P/s: For all adventure type of mission, I would keep the hints a bit mysterious for players to look after the place themselves. SAY NO TO SPOILER! 

(Last updated on 19 January 2016 at 10:31pm by Ciel Bleu)

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