Draisine or Lantern?

This post explained how to make wise decision in game. On the journey to collect all your tools, when you come to the cross road to choose either Simple Draisine first or Lantern first.

Always choose Simple Draisine over Lantern first and all the other trivilities, such as morphs, clothes, hats, furnitures, etc. As for beginners, it’s hard to earn gralats if you don’t research the efficient way to get gralats.

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  • Tools

Simple Draisine VS Lantern

  • In terms of price:

4,000 Gralats VS 2,000 Gralats

Comment: Yep, Lantern is definitely more affortable than Draisine. It is the half of the price of Draisine.

  • In terms of usage/ purpose:

Transportation on Railroads VS Key to open door to Snow Town


As both tools are specialized in different areas, you will need both of these tools eventually in the end to explore all the places on the map of Graal Online Classic.

Lantern seems to be used ONLY to reach Snow Town and open the cobwebbed caves; Draisine is the ONLY transportation to run on the railroad in Rail Cave, including reaching to Snow Town and all the caves and hidden places like Skull Cave, Bandits Hideout, and Bandits Cave! 

Conclusion: It is still up to you to buy which one first. For those who find that it is too hard to earn gralats in a short time, save your gralats to buy draisine first, then you have more places to explore and not getting bored.

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Author’s Notes

Sometimes it surprises me that some players don’t even know what is draisine… (maybe they acted like they don’t know?)

Oh well, actually I was going to entitle this post “FOR BEGINNERS!”, but it’s for all to know, especially IF YOU DON”T KNOW!!!


(Last updated on 16 July 2015 at 4:32pm by Ciel Bleu)

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