Loot Traders

Loot traders are non-player characters (NPCs) in Graal Online Classic who are interested to trade your loots with Gralats. Only the old man Elster accepts to trade with all types of loots while other NPCs are solely interested in trading with certain loots. The following records the list of loot traders according to their locations.

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List of Loot Traders
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Onnet Town (1)

Location 1 – Elster’s Cave

loot trader - elster 0

  • NPC Name: Elster 
  • Location: Elster’s Cave
  • Direction: Onnet Town > east > cave (in front of Sardon’s Tower/guild tower) > Elster’s Cave (left side of Sardon’s Tower)
  • Wanted Loot Type(s): Any types of loots
  • Wanted Loot(s): ALL

Comment: Easy to be found; convenient to clear up all loots in inventory in one trade; can earn big amount of gralats if needed for emergency; can selectively trade loot by holding the item up.

MoD Town (1)

Location 2 – The Black Orchid Club

loot trader - raphael

  • NPC Name: Raphael
  • Location: The Black Orchid Club
  • Direction: MoD Town > north west > The Black Orchid Club
  • 1 Wanted Loot Type: [Mug]
  • 2 Wanted Loots: Dirty Mug, Shiny Mug

Comment: Remember when you were doing the Trading Quest? Raphael was desperate to find a clean cloth to wipe his mugs, or else his customers will never come back again, and you showed up and gave him the red rag! So, dirty mug is nothing to him now!

Graal City (2)

Location 3 – Railroad Station Gift Shop

loot trader - draisine

  • NPC Name: no name NPC
  • Location: Railroad Station Gift Shop
  • Direction: Center of Graal City > Railroad Station > Railroad Station Gift Shop
  • 1 Wanted Loot Type: [Draisine]
  • 1 Wanted Loot: Draisine Wheel

Comment: I think some NPCs made me linked the connection between their wanted loots and their jobs, talents, and related positions. It is crystal clear that the draisine wheel that I looted from water should just go back to the Railroad Station.

Location 4 – The House of Taylor Richaard

loot trader - taylor richard

  • NPC Name: Taylor Richaard
  • Location: The House of Taylor Richaard
  • Direction: Graal City > south (before the bridge to Swamp Town) > the House of Taylor Richaard
  • 1 Wanted Loot Type: [Cloth]
  • 2 Wanted Loots: Old Underwear, Ruined Scarf


The Woods of Master Li (1)

Location 5 – Horse Stable

loot trader - earl

  • NPC Name: Earl 
  • Location: Horse Stable
  • Direction: The Woods of Master Li > east > Horse Stable
  • 1 Wanted Loot Type: [Horse]
  • 1 Wanted Loot: Old Horseshoe

Comment: Yep! Easy to guess what is the loot he wants!

York Town (1)

Location 6 – Pyrat Bay

loot trader - jack 2

  • NPC Name: Jack (Pyrat) 
  • Location: Pyrat Bay
  • Direction: York Town > south > Pyrat Bay > south > boat
  • 2 Wanted Loots Type: [Ship], [Pyrat Coin]
  • 4 Wanted Loots: Gold Doubloon, Heavy Anchor, Silver Doubloon, Ship Helm

Comment: I like the accent of this pyrat when he is talking! “Arg… ye have to be brave to hold a treasure from a Pyrat!” Yes, I am brave enough because I am a fan of “One Piece”! The location of this NPC was changed from the east of Horse Race Area to south of the Pyrat Bay.

Snow Town (1)

Location 7 – Blacksmith Shop

loot trader - blacksmitch

  • NPC Name: no name NPC (Blacksmith*)
  • Location: Blacksmith Shop
  • Direction: Snow Town > Blacksmith Shop
  • 1 Wanted Loot Type: [Weapon]
  • 5 Wanted Loots: Broken Sword, Chainless Flail, Cracked Shield, Defuse Bomb, Dull Arrow

Comment: I wonder why he has no reaction to Disabled Nuke (nuclear weapon)? Because it is way beyond of his capability to fix? 

Cave Tunnel (1)

Location 8 – Lantern Stall

loot trader - lantern

  • NPC Name: no name NPC (Lantern Seller*) 
  • Location: Lantern Stall
  • Direction: Read ‘Get Your Lantern!‘ for more details!
  • 1 Wanted Loot Type: [Lamp]
  • 1 Wanted Loot: Old Lantern

Comment: I got you! Lantern seller only wants Lantern!!! 

Along the Rail Cave (1)

Location 9 – *Secret Cave

loot trader

  • NPC Name: no name NPC (Old Merchant*)
  • Location: *Secret Cave 
  • Direction: A secret cave along the Rail Cave between York Town and Snow Town
  • 1 Wanted Loot Type: [Odd]
  • 1 Wanted Loot: Odd-shaped Gem

Comment: I found him accidentally because I put bombs EVERYWHERE! He speaks ANOTHER WORLD LANGUAGE (the font used in caption is terrible)! WHY CAN’T YOU USE THE LANGUAGE (proper font) I UNDERSTAND?! I only able to read the words: ‘BUY THIS!’…

Swamp Town (1)

Location 10 – Beside Miser’s House

loot trader -floydian

  • NPC Name: Floydian
  • Location: Beside Miser’s House
  • Direction: Swamp Town > south west > Miser’s House
  • 1 Wanted Loot Type: [Fishing Equipment]
  • 2 Wanted Loots: Fishing Lure, Old Fishing Hooks  

Comment: He’s helpful because he gives a hint about a secret… *creepy smile*

Destiny (1)

Location 11 – *Owl’s Nest

loot trader - owl nest

  • NPC Name: no name NPC (Merchant*)
  • Location: *Owl’s Nest
  • Direction: Destiny > south west > cave > *Iron Door > *Owl’s Nest
  • Wanted Loot Type: [Gold], [Gem], [Crystal], [Magic]
  • 6 Wanted Loots: Gold Necklace, Gold Nugget, Gold Pearl, Magical CrystalOrnate Ring, Water Amulet

Comment: I dislike this NPC! All he cares abuot are GOLD and GEM, even cheated my 10,000 Gralats for a BROKEN God Bow. One hint that he gave was that he has a friend who collects loots with magic element (ex: Water Amulet, Ornate Ring, Magical Crystal) but currently is “out of town”, I wonder who is this person and when will the next new town be released? By the way, to enter the iron door, you need to do the new quest!

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Author’s Notes

Oh gosh, the topic about loot traders really kills much time. Anyway, at the time when I was preparing this article, my loots were currently overloaded. It reached more than 2,000 units in my inventory for the purpose of estimating the rarity for each loots. In addition, it is superb easy for me to recognize various loot traders as they will show a thinking bubble of Green Gralat (except Elster though).

When you are only about to start learning to get loots from diving, it is quite hard to recognize all loot traders. Some players told me that the admins once confirmed there are more than one loot traders in the game. It took me a few months to test out that it is true! Only left one loot trader I did not mentioned in the list who interests in trading shells on the VIP’s island, because… I cannot access (not VIP).

Hope you find this post helpful and informative! For more details about each loot and its different market prices according to loot traders, proceed to this post: Loots. Thanks for reading!

(Last updated on 25 September 2017 at 12:26pm by Ciel Bleu)

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4 Replies to “Loot Traders”

  1. I cannot seem to find the old man… does he still exsist? I know this is 2017, two years after this was originally posted, and I doubt you’ll see this…but if you do, can you help?


    1. Hi, Ekaterini, thanks for dropping by! ❤ do you mean the old man in green hood? yes, he is still available within our limit of access in 2017 too, but his location is hard to be found, you will need to put bombs on the wall to make an eternal entrance of that hidden furniture shop! it could be hard to describe where it is exactly, hint: refer the mentioned direction, it’s quite near the railroad. hope this helps! 🙂


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