Don’t KS!

Finally, another post is under the category of Random Thoughts!

Before I start… let me say this:


What is GOC?

Graal Online Classic (GOC) game is a MMORPG, which stands for “Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game“.

And that means you get to see more than one real person is playing the SAME game you are playing online.  Usually this type of game gives a platform for online players to interact in the game. You will be able to create your own role of character and control it as your will. This kind of game sometimes can be very addictive.

For your information, usually for a role-playing game, you will (1) have your customised own character’s image, and (2) have to earn money of the game, like “Gralats” is the currency value used in GOC, to buy armour, weapons, clothes, and other items. Also, (3) killing mobs to level up or to acheive missions is a must so that players can do a lot of activities while exploring the game. And not to forget, (4) the feature of allowing online players killing each other is definitely included in MMORPG.

So? What do you mean? The freedom to be a role of character sometimes may not seemed to be a good news. Some players trample this freedom by violating the regulations and making other players getting offensed. Like now you are living in your country, how do you behave in an environment with numerous citizens? The fact is the government will have rules to secure the country and control the behaviour of the poeple. One does not simply steal or kill others.

Similarly, there are many taboos you should not do in the game, especially in MMORPG. When your behaviour is inappropriate in terms of moral and expressing provoke element, you are…… really an awful rascal. One does not simply kill other’s prey/mob and steal the items. It is called KS!


According to Urban Dictionary (2003), KS means “Kill Steal“; a term used on MMORPGs to describe the act of barging in to kill a monster (or other enemy) that another player had been fighting first and receiving the EXP  / items that rightfully belonged to the first player to engage the enemy in battle.

Imagine that you made your most favourite breakfast which had took 30 minutes to prepare, and you put it on the table and ready to serve yourself, and I suddenly poped out of nowhere and SWALLOW every tiny bits of your food. Your breakfast is gone, you are still hungry. You waste so much effort to prepare the breakfast yet I stealed it. HOW DO YA FEEL?!

Anyway, I am very grateful for the GOC game setting. If you try to KS me while I am killing mobs, like Pyrats, Bandits, etc. You cannot obtain the special items dropped by mobs, although you can rob the bombs, arrows, and gralats, if your action is fast enough though.

How to deal with KS issue?

Are you that happy that you can get to steal the items from another player? Let me remind you, you will NEVER ABLE to take the special items on the floor that belong to me, like TREASURE MAP!!!!! 😀

For those who experienced KS from other player in GOC while you are killing mobs, remember that when a mob get the 1st hit from you, the potential item hold by the mob will be all yours for a certain period. No other players can picked up the special items dropped by the mob you just killed, even if they end your life.

Meanwhile, if you experienced KS from other player while catching bugs… have a moment of silence. Experience and skills always win. T.T

A typical mob has average of 6 part of half-hearts, which means you need to hit it 6 times before it faints. Who cares if someone try to KS you, let the player kills the mob for you and you just take the dropped item. Easy, right? The KS player makes game life easy for you! That’s how I counter KS these kind of jerks. They eventually fed up. You reap what you sow! @#$%^!


(Last updated on 4 November 2017 at 11:50am by Ciel Bleu)

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