Identify yourself!

Figure 1: Notification
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If you are planning to play Graal Online Classic game in a long term, it is recommended that you should get your game account identified by e-mail.

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Reason to identify yourself
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Identifying game account allows you to switch your account on more than one device, such as on your laptop, tablet, or phone. It ensures that your valuable items in your game account are safe even if your device is lost or broken.

Figure 2: Identify yourself
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How-to get identified
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If you have yet to go through the identification, let me guide you!

(1) First, go to Menu section. You can see a lot of icons in the section. Click on the Identify icon.

Figure 3: Menu

(2) It will ask you to identify yourself by registering your e-mail address. If you do not have any registered email account, you can go sign up any e-mail account at Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, etc.

Figure 4: Identify by e-mail
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(3) Then, type your e-mail address in the 1st column, and retype again in the 2nd column for confirmation. Make sure both columns are showing the same e-mail address before you click Login. Example:

Figure 5: Verify e-mail
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(4) After you click Login, if the database of the game has checked and find that it does not have your current e-mail address, you will be asked to create a new account.

Figure 6: Create account
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(5) Proceed by clicking on the Create Account button.

Figure 7: Creating the account
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(6) Till then, you are unofficially identified your game account in GOC. A formal notification email will be sent by the Graal Online Management to you.

Figure 8: Account created
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(7) Last procedure is to sign in your email account and open the received e-mail. Click on the link given in the email to finalise your identification.

Figure 9: Email
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That’s all. Have fun!

(Wrote on 29 July 2015 at 7:25pm by Ciel Bleu)

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