Tips to Solve Treasure Maps

Read Treasure Maps FAQs for more info! Please note that every player gets different map in random order, no one could possibly help you by just wordly describing how each map looks like. For real map samples as reference, proceed to My Treasure Maps 1-100 & My Treasure Maps 101-200.

However, I have not found all treasure maps because it is endless, thus, through this post, I hope to train you to find the place showed on your treasure map by giving practical hints. As the parables said: It it better to teach you to catch fish with your hands than keep feeding you with roasted fish.

First of all, you have to be familiar with the current game map. There’s no other shortcut for this. It’s kinda downside for those who don’t explore around much. So, go explore and mingle around all places you can access to! That’s how you get the impression of the place and solve treasure maps faster than you ever think, which can be the second you read the deciphered map, your mind can flash back the most possible place the next second.

Second, you must not overlook every single significant characteristics on your treasure map. Though the clues are limited, but they are almost 100% matched with the place where you need to find.

I adapt the method of elimination in decision making to narrow down the possibilities of the places. There are total three main categories of ground / floor colour:

  1. Ground covered with white snow (Snow Town)
  2. Total brown ground inside the Rail Cave
  3. Normal ground with brown and / or covered with green grasses

STEP 1: Determine whether the place is in SNOW TOWN or not.

How to identify the map is taken in Snow Town? Refer the colours of the ground! The ground of Snow Town is covered with snow, which means it is in WHITE colour! In treasure map, the ground will be like tainted with light dull yellow.

To reach Snow Town, there are 3 alternative routes to reach there:

  1. Go to Onnet Town > enter the cave beside (right side of) the Onnet School > exit cave > climb the stairs > enter the cave beside (left side of) the Guild Tower (Sardon Tower) > buy a Lantern at the Lantern Stall by clicking the lantern on the counter (if you do not owned a lantern) > exit cave > go to south and take a U-turn > go up the hill to south > enter cave > take out your Lantern to ignite the blocked entrance > exit cave > reach Snow Town
  2. Go to the Woods of Master Li > locate the Red Barn Furniture > enter the cave beside (left side of) it > go to south and exit cave > go up the hill to south > enter cave > take out your Lantern to ignite the blocked entrance > exit cave > reach Snow Town
  3. Find any railroad > use Draisine (buy from Railroad Station Gift Shop in Graal City) > reach Snow Town

If the colour of the ground is different from the pictures above, proceed to Step 2!

STEP 2: Determine whether the place is INSIDE RAIL CAVE or not.

How to identify which one is INSIDE THE CAVE? Look for the signs!

SIGN 1: Mushroom(s) on brown ground
SIGN 2: The trace of rail track
SIGN 3: Both highland and ground are in same brown colour
SIGN 4: Grass(es) on brown ground
SIGN 5: Trace of rail cave wall
SIGN 6: Crockcroach
SIGN 7: Mouse

map - rat 1

If your treasure map shows any sign mentioned above, you need to explore all areas inside Rail Cave by taking a ride on Draisine. If the treasure map shows neither WHITE COLOUR ground nor ANY SIGNS inside of the Rail Cave, then proceed to Step 3!

STEP 3: Identify every feature / characteristic shown on the treasure map.

So, the only option left leads to the place where it is not Snow Town, and it is not inside the cave, which is probably EVERYWHERE! Don’t cry yet, each town have their significant buildings and features. You just need to look carefully at your treasure map and take every details granted to analyse! Or else, you will cry!

FEATURE A – The Height of The Ground

There are 2 types of the height of ground outside the cave, whether it is only green ground or high land. If both types are shown, it gives a crucial hint that the place is located near / on the highland (mountains).

Combination 1: Only the ground is shown

map ground 9 map ground

Combination 2: The Ground beside the highland

map ground 5 map ground 7 map ground 8

Combination 3: Only highland is shown

map ground high land 1 map ground 4

Combination 4: The highland beside the ground

map ground 3

Combination 5: Both highland and ground are equally shown

map ground high land 2

 Combination 6: In between the highlands

map ground 6

Usually found in Onnet Town and Woods of Master Li.

FEATURE B – The Patterns on the Ground

PATTERN 1 Brown dot on the brown ground
PATTERN 2: Downward white arrow on the brown ground
PATTERN 3: Grasses on the green ground

map ground 2 map ground 1

Plain grasses are mostly found in most town, like Woods of Master Li, Graal City, Onnet Town, MoD Town, Swamp Town etc.

 PATTERN 4: Tall Grasses on the green ground

map ground tall grass 1

Tall grasses are mostly seen in Swamp Town, some are found in Deadwood, York Town, etc.

PATTERN 5: Bushes on the green ground

map ground bushes 1

Bushes are mostly seen in every places, but the appearence and special arrangement of the bushes of an area gives a sharp sight to be easily located.

PATTERN 6: Flower(s) on the green ground

map ground flower 1 map ground flower 2

PATTERN 7: Brick paving on the green ground

map ground tile 1 map ground tile 2

Usually found inside the towns, especially in Graal City, Onnet Town, MoD Town

PATTERN 8: Silver tiles on the green ground
PATTERN 9: Dry soil ground in the midst of green ground
 map ground 10 map ground 11

This pattern usually spotted in Delta Island, Balamb Island, and York Town.

FEATURE C – The Types of Decorations

Deco 1: Trees
Type 1: Small Tree

map deco tree 1 map deco tree 2

Usually found in Graal City and Delta Island.

Type 2: Big Green Tree

map deco tree 4

Usually found in Woods of Master Li, MoD Town, and Swamp Town. Some are spotted in Graal City, York Town, Delta Island, etc.

Type 3: Big Red Tree

Type 4: Big Gold Tree

Type 5: Tree House

map deco tree 3

Tree houses only can be found in MoD Town and Swamp Town.

Deco 2: Sign Boards

There are three types of sign boards found in the GOC game: new sign board (modern), old sign board, and classic sign board. So far I only got 2 types of sign boards.

Type 1: New sign board

map deco sign 1

Type 2: Old sign board (has mustache shape)

map ground sign 1

Type 3: Classic retro signboard

Deco 3: Significant Buildings

How to recognize the significant buildings in each town? Well, if you are often travel from town to town, this will contribute your cognitive level in the game. As for me, the second I read a new deciphered treasure map, the next second I can imagine which locations could be matched with high possibility and able to find that place in less than 7 minutes. There are exceptions for a few maps.

Balamb Island


Destiny – Destiny Boot Shop

Graal City

MoD Town – Small pond

Onnet Town – Small pond, Sara Rei’s House

Snow Town

Swamp Town –

Woods of Master Li – Horse Stables, Nexus

York Tow – Silver towers and wall tower

As the current game map went through updates from time to time, some of the treasure maps removed due to significant changes between old map and new map:

map building 1

Writing in progress… Like this post? Share it to your friends to help them! (10/8/2015)

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