Treasure Maps FAQs

Hey! Here’s the section of FAQs about the mission of searching and solving the obtained treasure maps. Let’s begin!

1. How to start collect treasure maps?

You have to buy Map Satchel, a map bag that costs 500 Gralats. It can be found at the merchandise’s counter at Owl’s Nest, which located behind the iron door inside the cave in front of Destiny’s Guild Tower. The maps you found will be straight away put into Map Satchel section as “mysterious maps”.

2. Should I buy the map satchel?

It depends on you. If you are planning to be a long term active online player in this game, why not? Besides, figuring out the deciphered treasure maps is like solving puzzles type of game, which is fun, and the rewards are satisfying.

3. What should I do after I bought the map satchel?

Your unlimited task now is to find treasure maps and bring them to the Mercator’s Cartography Services Shop so that the maps can be identified.

4. Where is the Merchator Cartography Services Shop?

Press M to show your map, and find the name of the shop ‘Cartography’ in Destiny.

5. How to obtain treasure maps?

There are many ways to search for treasure map. You can obtain treasure maps as loots either (1) through diving in the water with flippers, or (2) from red treasure boxes and purple treasure boxes, also as items dropped by the mobs, especially the (3) Bandits, (4) Pyrats, and (5) Baddies. Now, (6) the rewards in Crab Chance Game House in Destiny has been added the treasure maps too. Be patience while hunting your treasure maps!

loot - map in a bottle 3 loot - map in a bottle 4 loot - map in a bottle 5 loot - map in a bottle 6

6. How much the fees of treasure maps to be deciphered?

You can only get the first map to be deciphered by the Mercator for FREE in every 24 hours. The price for second map to be deciphered at the same day will be charge from the rate of 25 Gralats and the following deciphered maps will charge at the rate of the double of the previous map’s price. Example: On the same day, your 1st map – free; 2nd map – 25 Gralats; 3rd map – 50 Gralats; 4th map – 100 Gralats; 5th map – 200 Gralats; 6th map – 400 Gralats; 7th map – 800 Gralats; 8th map – 1,600 Gralats; 9th map – 3,200 Gralats; 10th map – 6,400 Gralats; and so forth. My advice: decipher one map per day eventhough you are wealthy. Saving is one of the wise way to prosperous!

7. How to identify the place showed on my treasure map?

Familiarity with the game map is the ONLY key element. When you are familiar with most of the places in GOC game, you may find it easy to identify the treasure maps. Also, owning basic travelling equipments like morph and simple draisine are highly recommended to speed up the process of looking all the places. Some treasure maps are too tricky to be recognized.

8. What are the items obtained by solving the treasure maps?

All the rewards are counted as rare. Random hats and a few series theme based hats; morphs;  treasure-theme furnitures; loots; gralats; etc.

9. How to get certain items from digging at the place showed on the treasure map?

The items you get are TOTALLY RANDOM! Feeling discouraged that you cannot get certain rewards you desired? Give up your expectation, and get yourself together to continue the task! Enjoy the exploration! My hypothesis from experience: the more you pay to decipher a treasure map, the higher the tendency you will not get rare items except loots and gralats. Again, please decipher one map per day.

10. Why the places on my treasure map are nowhere to be found?

The scattered treasure maps are not the exact same with the current Graal Online Classic (GOC) map, instead, they are taken from the old map, which might be the map during the early version of GOC. Thus, finding the place according to some of the the treasure maps will be quite difficult. #treasuremapfact

11. Can anyone help me to solve my treasure maps?

All numbered treasure maps are different between each players. Example: my treasure map #2 could be your treasure map #2785, but might be #357 to other person, while it could be the #500098881823718273 treasure map to another person (notice my weird irony ;]).  Hence, asking other players about how they found their treasure map #5 will definitely would not be helpful to you to solve your own treasure map #5. Get it? #treasuremapfact

12. What else do I need to be caution during digging out the treasure box?

Once you dig out the treasure box according to your treasure map, that specific treasure map will disappeared instantly from your inventory. Please remember that you have limited time (a few seconds) to collect the reward. If you missed it, you missed it forever. How I knew? Because I DID IT! T.T #treasuremapfact

13. Why I keep getting the same map?

Some treasure maps obtained can be repeated randomly. Example: my treasure maps #32 and #38; #36 and #41; #40 and #50; #53 and #54, #62 and #70, etc. Sometimes, the areas can be similar. Example: my treasure map #13 and #18; #6 and #29; #28 and #46; #30 and #64; #48 and #71, etc. I found out that if I want to avoid getting same old boring treasure map: First, I collect and decipher a map per day or dechipeher many maps in a day (if you plan to throw away your gralats), then accumulate identified maps in the inventory/map satchel without solving them instantly. The maps in the inventory will make the new identified maps less likely to be repeated.

Feel free to ask any unanswered related questions at the comment section below! I might not know all the answers but if you are an experienced GOC player, you are welcomed to give your two cents!

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(Last updated on 1 September 2017 at 9:30am by Ciel Bleu)

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